About the Course

The Reparenting Process is for those of us who missed out on loving parents/caregivers and a safe environment. This is the process of learning to nurture yourself and bring back the parts of you that you may have suppressed in order to earn the love of a parent who was unable to nurture you. 

Example Curriculum

Meet Angel

Angel DeSantis is a mental health advocate, cult survivor, storyteller and creator of The Process by Angel, which uses guided self inquiry to stimulate brain development. After spending her childhood in the doomsday cult, Children of God, Angel left in 2008 and has spent over a decade rebuilding her entire mental processes.She learned to uproot beliefs that were fundamentally set in the nervous system and create thought algorithms that were designed to lead her brain to look for new evidence and create a new life. She is now sharing all these hard learned lessons through The Process by Angel. Angel is passionate about helping people learn to be their own source and set themselves up for a more peaceful existence. Angel currently lives in Los Angeles, where she is a Yoga teacher and wellness consultant. When she is not buried deep in her work, you can find her on a mountaintop in the high sierras or in a Japanese restaurant.